A major step towards the digitization of medical education with the launch of Crescent Vision Live

Since late 2018 Crescent Med has been hard at work developing the ideal tool for streaming surgical education. Now, 3 years later, we are  proud to announce the official launch of our smart surgical headcam, the Crescent Vision Live. We joined Health Holland and Task Force Health Care to Medica, in Dusseldorf Germany for our official launch, where we showcased our unique product to the world.


Medica is the largest medical trade-fair in the world and attracts thousands of exhibitors from around the globe. We had the opportunity to Launch the Crescent Vision Live at this major event, which attracted 46,000 visitors from 150 countries.

Live Demos at our booth

We are so proud to have gathered a considerable amount of attention with our demo by wearing the headset and streaming it live on the display screen. 

The visitors at the booth were able to observe and interact with different features of the Crescent Vision Live such as the Dual Camera System, High power LED light, and Two-Way Audio. They were able to fully experience its optimal weight distribution and user friendliness, and were able to discover its use benefits in regard to digitisation of Medical Education.

How does the Crescent Vision Live help Digitise Medical Education?

It can take up to 14 years to educate a medical student to become a practicing surgeon. Medical educators are actively seeking ways to decrease the gap between the student and surgeons with technological advancements. From a teacher’s perspective, the Crescent Vision Live is an excellent tool for livestreaming complex surgical processes from a first person perspective directly to a live audience, anywhere on earth. The lightweight and user-friendly design makes the Crescent Vision Live usable without needless distractions while remaining comfortable for hours. The live stream allows students to focus on complex procedures without physical presence and view-blocking annoyances that may otherwise be present in the OR. The software interface allows students to switch between the wide angle and zoom lens as desired from behind their screen, which allows them to switch between an immersive view of the OR and a detailed view of the operating area. Like this, Crescent Med makes medical and surgical livestreaming more viable and ultimately increases the scalability of medical education.

It is exciting times for Crescent Med as our product is now officially in the market, and we’re looking forward to assisting in digitization of medical care. Curious to see it for yourself? Sign-up for our Demo now with this link: https://crescent-med.com/demo 

You can also download our Press Release here.


Crescent Med joins the Dutch Trade Mission to CES 2022 virtually


How the Crescent Vision Live may help improve the quality and reach of basic surgery in developing countries